Our Programs

Uganda has made tremendous strides in the fight against HIV and TB but alot still needs to be done. With the current HIV prevalence standing at 5%, regions like Masaka which is our target community still lag behind with the HIV prevalence stll at over 14%, mostly amongst young people below the age of 24 years.
The TB burden is also still wanting as the deadly divide well translates in the communities through, TB commmitments vs TB realities. We have designed effective practices in the fields of advocacy where we aim to call to action opinion leaders, policy makers, political leaders and community workers to ensure a favourable environment with proper commitments are put in place to ensure that the two epidemics are well tackled. We also commit to briniging health services closer to places where such can hardly be accessed. This is through carrying out well designed flash mobs, health outreaches in form of mobile clinics and caravans that include TB screening, HIV testing and counselling services, referals where need arises, condom demonstrations and distributions and other necessary IEC material that are well translated and easy to use by our target community

Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the entire world below the age of 30 years. We aim to ensure effective advocacy through encouraging meaningful youth participation at local, national, regional and global levels.
There should be nothing for young people without young people, young people should be at the center of the change they want to see! The covid-19 lockdown led to the eruption of many forms of violence against young girls and women and in these include teenage and unwanted pregnancies, high spread of HIV and this all resulted from young people spending alot of time in their homesteads with noting occupying most of their time.
This hence led to many school drop outs, child marriages, incest, acquiring HIV and other related sexually transmitted diseases hence leading to stigma, discrimination, misaction and inaction. Additionally, girls in rural and deserving communities miss 3-5 days of school every month because of menstrual matters! Girls miss school because they fear staining their uniforms and all the fear, pain and mocking/bullying that comes with it, this because, they and their parents can hardly afford sanitary towels, hence dramatically affecting their grades amd performance in class!
We want to break the periods stigma by equiping girls with proper and right information about menstrual hygiene management, distribution of free disposable pads and also training them on making resuable pads for sustainability.
WE want to equip youth and young women with information, skills and knowledge about their health, lives and bodies and hence live life upto their full potential of opporunities
We also want to empower youth to influence policies and ordinances on matters affecting their health and well being through dialogues, school health tours and trainings
We also want to ensure gender equality, diginity for women and girls and deal away with all the negative practises that affect their well being including sexual and gender-based violnece, female genital mutilation etc.

Rights of people with disabilities have always been violated. PWDs have always been marginalised amd deprived of their fundamental human rights, they are always taken less human! Young women with disabilities are always ridiculed during day by men, and at night the same men go into their rooms for sex; to girls and women with disabilities, it's sex by chance not choice hence leading them to contracting HIV plus unwanted and unplanned pregnancies
Many youngsters of school going age are left behind when it comes to schooling, many children with physical disabilities never get chance to acquire formal because of limited or even no prioritization by their care givers/parents. They instead take those with no disbailities to school locking up those with disabilies as evidenced many times in news reports in the media
This program focues on promoting inclusive education, ensuring equal rights for all through promotion of disability rights and reasonable accomodation for persons with disabilities in all places.

Uganda today has a youthful population with no jobs! which results into high crime rates because of unemployment and idleness.
We therefore through this program want to ensure that young people are well facilitated, trained and well equipped with vocational skills in fields of trailoring/fashion and design. computer literacy, salon skills, making arts and craft, promotion of MDD (Music, Dance and Drama), recreation.
Our emphasis is on the young people between 14-27 years because of their vulnerability and magnitude in our community

We are seeing many effects of climate change today! This has all resulted in the constant deforestation, swamp reclamation etc. We cannot hold off any longer and we must take action to prevent further damage and begin restoring our planet.
Climate change has been described as the greates threat to global health in the 21st century (WHO). The collapse of ecosystems, global weather disasters, rising temperatures and depletion of water sources are all outcomes of climate change and are all caused by human activity.
The planet is warming up by 0.2 degrees every ten years. At this rate, if action is not taken to lower the GHGs, the planet will be 5.5 degrees hotter by 2100 causing catastrophic consequences. According to WHO heat stress will cost 250,000 lives between 2030 and 2050. This does not include deaths caused by the likes of weather disasters and malnutrition's as a result of resource depletion
Our time for action is now, We need to start restoring our environment now by advocating for rules and policies from political actors that can help to conserve mother earth, establish and continue to develop eco inclusive low and zero carbon solutions for our community and also reduce operatonal and process emitions.